All posts by geoffm

Test of SCMplayer

code is after this. It kind of works. Puts slider bar at bottom (or top), and optional RHS list.

I don’t really see why I can’t generate the links and put them in this code programatically. I can add things manually no need to generate code again. So this should work.

There is an open source version at This is now installed in songs/SCMplayer. To generate code, use songs url/SCMplayer/index.html. There are other options, like shuffling etc. Use that link to get code for those. Getting the code, refers back to the scm server, but only then, not for playing.

But note that only plays audio, which, of course, is what I want.

If a file/link doesn’t exist, returns error message.

Error: Request not Found

So amended file so goes on to next track. File is SCMplayer/js/playback/soundmanager.js

Later edit: actually, I’m not sure that is the file. Maybe youtube has changed the way it handles errors. I have changed some of the code in youtube.js.

See for usable commands. Note there are commands to add on to playlist, and to load different playlists. This is really useful.

Note that you can toggle the playlist on right too, from slider bar at bottom.

Code is below from my server.

Does code have to go in post, or can I put in header or something. Presumably post will have to display to run. Or will it? Check on fuckem. Be nice to have there.

Note that address bar url doesn’t always change – this is something to do with persistence of the music when navigating. Except that sometimes it does change. This is a nuisance with no fix I can find.

Have done playlist in petula post too. When switching posts, it will change playlists IF page is refreshed, otherwise continues with previous one. So need to force a page refresh. Can do in js, but if doesn’t work, might be because it is executed too soon, so then create function, and call it later. Actually, this is easier said than done. I don’t seem to be able to stop it looping. I might have to go to the original code to force this.



test post for tags

Use this post to test creating a new tag, which user will put around a link.  Or can we amend the existing tag?

this is a link


OK, this would probably work, but I would need to edit it in text mode. Editing in visual mode doesn’t enclose the http stuff. Ah, but that doesn’t really matter. I can use the regexp to search for the comment tag inserted anywhere in the link. And then just remove it wherever it is. I don’t need a closing tag either, I don’t think.

But use css in button settings to switch make it display in vis ed in different colours, to show that it’s done it.

Also, create a button to remove it if I can.

But, it means a two stage operation, link AND make it show in summary list. Better combine to one op if possible, so make extra button which links and then adds comment or whatever. Not sure this plugin will do it.

Have a look at shortcodes.

Songs extract

Being a bit bored during a spell of crap weather (the spell lasting all of this summer), I thought I’d listen to some of the old songs that have entertained me for the last forty years or so – not counting my school days, where it was mostly Julie Andrews musicals I liked….. Actually, that’s not quite true – one LP I did buy was by the Seekers – the original seekers, not the New Seekers. The song I remember most from that was The Carnival is Over, sung by Judith Durham, who had (and has) a really stunning voice. I was into nostalgia even at 16, before I actually had anything to be nostalgic about. I also quite vividly remember Downtown, by Petula Clark. This was actually played in one of my school assemblies, for some reason which I’ve completely forgotten (as, indeed, I’ve tried to do with everything that happened at school).

I also used to watch the Monkees TV series when I was a kid – anarchic, funny, and great music. The Monkees got a lot of criticism, but actually, some of their songs were very good, and have stood the test of time. One I really liked was I’m a believer, released in 1966 (when I was 14) and composed by Neil Diamond. They also did Daydream believer, with Davy Jones – now dead – singing.

It was only in the sixth form that I really started to have a few friends, and, possibly, become a more interesting person (or a person of more interest to other people, which is a slightly different thing). At 16, I hitched alone through Germany and France for three weeks, which was a little strange since I hadn’t even been on holiday on my own before – and even stranger that my parents let me, but I think that was because some friends of theirs took me across the Channel on the start of their holiday, and so my parents just assumed I would stay with them the whole time. As it was, I got them to drop me at an autobahn slip road in the south of Germany, and started hitching for the first time in my life. Some 44 years later, I still regularly hitch.

Coming back from that holiday, I made a couple of slightly older friends in the sixth, AK and AH – both had the first name of Alan – and we started going to Eagley Folk Club each week, which was where I first heard Ralph McTell’s song, Streets of London. Can’t remember who played it at Eagley, but I heard him sing it himself years later.

We also had a school review, put on by the sixth form, which I still remember – not least because a) I wasn’t in it, and b) I was really impressed by – and jealous of – the people who were in it. The highlight was a cover of a Marmalade song, written by the Beatles – Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. Of course, there is no recording of the school review, but this is The Marmalade singing it it.

Another song of that time was Peter Sarstedt’s Where do you go to (my lovely). Another nostalgia song really, even though I was only 17 at that point. But I had just got back from my hitching trip (and finally got a girlfriend, who became my first wife) and, with its references to foreign places, it appealed to my love of travel. Also, of course, it was about someone who had had a great relationship, which had failed (much like me in the rest of my life…) and that seemed pretty romantic at the time – and still does really.

A similar song – in that it had a theme of foreign countries – is California Dreamin’ by the Mamas and Papas. However, I think that the version I first heard was by the Seekers – that version is here.



Here is another post with image

2014-07-29 15.51.17

Image is NOT picked up or displayed. This is to exclude images inserted into posts for decoration. However, it will also exclude links which ARE meant to be followed. But better than nothing.

Of course, another way to do it would be to create a metatag, or whatever it is called – something to go on the menu bar when editing, so the user has to explicitly put that in. In the long run, that is probably a better bet.

This is ordinary link:

My web site